FPS, founded by a CFO

Only those who have worked themselves in industry throughout their careers as senior managers really understand the day-to-day challenges and the skills managers must have to succeed in today’s business environment. Over the years, Paul has built close personal relationships with customers and candidates in all industries across the globe.

Paul Taaffe is an experienced and successful CFO of global corporations as well as high profile private equity funds and their portfolios where he mastered various change management challenges, from turnaround and restructuring to the implementation of new growth strategies. From personal experience, he knows the needs and requirements of the modern CFO – whether interim or permanent.

Paul Taaffe

Team FPS

FINANCE is our partner and the publisher of the number one finance magazine. This CFO publication is very well known and highly respected in the finance community in German speaking Europe. FINANCE, additionally, offers FINANCE TV, FINANCE Alumini Network and numerous high profile events like Structured Finance with over two thousand attendees and high profile speakers and panelists. The FINANCE journalists engage in critical and controversial dialogue with German CFOs and supervisory boards and has a unique understanding of CFO topics.

Finance Magazin

The direct route to FPS



We look forward to meeting you.

Paul Taaffe ist Gründer und Managing Partner von FINANCE People Solutions.

  • Er blickt auf mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung als CFO und CRO in anspruchsvollen Positionen bei „bluechip“ internationalen Konzernen und Private Equity Portfolio Unternehmen zurück.
  • Zuletzt war Paul Taaffe als Gründungspartner von Taaffe & Partners tätig und hat hier CEOs und CFOs in Bezug auf Change Management, Restrukturierung und insbesondere bei PE Fonds Benchmarking von Portfolio CFO Organisationen beraten.
  • Darüber hinaus war Paul Taaffe als Vorstand erfolgreich in einer Reihe von Industriezweigen wie zum Beispiel: Finanzdienstleistung, IT, Telekommunikation, Automobilzulieferer, Konsumgüter, Pharma, Baugewerbe und Bergbau tätig.
  • Als CFO oder im General Management zeichnete er zum einen für große globale Blue Chip-Konzerne (Dell, Lear Corporation, Nike, Pepsi) und zum anderen als CFO/CRO für Private Equity-Firmen (Advent International, CVC Capital Partners, Deutsche Beteiligungs AG) bzw. deren Portfoliofirmen (Viatris, DSI, AKSYS) verantwortlich.
  • Paul Taaffe war als Private Equity-Partner für Alvarez & Marsal Deutschland die treibende Kraft hinter der erfolgreichen Restrukturierung der Tele Columbus Gruppe.
  • Paul Taaffe ist Chartered Accountant (ACCA). Als irischer Staatsangehöriger spricht er sowohl Englisch als auch fließend Deutsch und verfügt über Grundkenntnisse in Italienisch, Spanisch und Französisch. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Frankfurt am Main.

Paul Taaffe is the founder and managing partner of FINANCE People Solutions.

  • He looks back at 25 years of experience in challenging high profile CFO positions with global “blue chip” Corporations and PE Funds Portfolio Companies.
  • Paul Taaffe is also Founder and Managing Partner of Taaffe and Partners which specializes in benchmarking and structuring CFO organizations.
  • Paul was a CFO in diverse industries from Financial Services, IT, Telecommunications, Automotive Suppliers, Consumer Goods, Health Care and Building Supplies where he worked for corporations like Dell, Pepsi Co, Nike andLear.
  • On the PE side Paul was CFO of portfolio companies owned by TPG, Advent, CVC and DBAG.
  • He subsequently became PE Partner for Alvarez & Marsal where he was CFO and CRO of Tele Columbus when he completed a debt to equity swap and set the company on track for a successful IPO later. He lives with his family in Frankfurt am Main Germany.